Tuesday 1 March 2011


Don't know a thing about this band,just know that i like this demo.My compressor wouldn't sort the tracklisting as it was not in English & had too many little symbols above letters.You might be able to find it on the net somewhere though.


  1. Here is there page on punkrockers.com http://www.punkrockers.com/E123 they sent me a link for there split with I Know from Belarus & here it is http://www.mediafire.com/?4cmzb44gbnedqu4 Also If you have trouble with foreign lettering I:e Jap or Russian you have to just change the lettering so just put Jap title etc. There are German letters to I think it dislikes just change it to our alphabet & hey presto its zippz!

    This better fucking post now the cunt!!
